Computer class 3:- This post has been created to help the students reading in class 3 under the board of CBSE. This article consist of the chapter number 6, 7, 8, and 9. For the previous chapters, please click the show more button given below.
Computer class 3 Chapter No. 6
A. Fill in the blanks.
- By default, text is aligned to the ————————— margins.
- We can change the font size by clicking on the Font Size drop-down button on the—————- tab.
- To select the Drop Cap option, click on the ————————— tab.
- A————————— is a small graphic symbol that is added before an item in a list.
- ————————— option places the selected text slightly above the baseline.
Home | Left | Insert | Superscript | Bullet |
B. State True or False.
- By default, Word 2016 sets the font to Calibri (Body).
- Justified alignment means that the text is aligned with the left margin.
- We can apply bullets to a text document by selecting the Bullets button.
- The Bold button is used to display the text in a darker shade than the rest of the text.
- The drop cap effect reduces the first letter of a paragraph.
- A word or a sentence can be underlined along with spaces.
computer class 3 question answer
C. Multiple-choice questions.
- —————- Alignment is used to set the text evenly between the left and the right margins.
a. Left b. Center c. Justify
- What is the shortcut key to apply/remove the Subscript effect?
a. Ctrl+= b. Ctrl + Shift += C. Ctrl+ Shift
- The Font Size box İs available on the ————————– tab.
a. Insert b. Font C. Home
- Which among the following commands is used as Repeat Typing tool?
a. Undo b. Redo c. Paste
D. Answer the following questions.
- What does Formatting mean?
- How will you change the font in your document?
- List the various change case options available in Word 2016. Explain any two.
- Define the term text alignment. Name the types of alignments available in Word 2016
- What is the difference between Superscript and Subscript option?
Computer class 3 Chapter No. 7
E. State True or False.
- The 3D objects are used to draw2D shapes.
- The Eraser tool is used to erase any part of a drawing.
- You can increase the size of the Brush by dragging the Thickness slider.
F. Rearrange the jumbled letters to make meaningful words.
G. Multiple-choice questions.
- Which 3D tool is used to draw a sphere?
a. Pencil b. Eraser c. Sphere
2. Which tool is used for adding colors to an object?
a. fill b. Thickness Slider C. Oil Brush Tool
3. Name the area where you draw in Paint 3D.
a. Canvas b. Sketch c. Window
4. Which option is used for adding stickers?
a. 3D Library b. 2D Objects c. stickers
H. Answer in one word.
- Which slider is used to change the thickness of any object?
- Which tool will you use to draw a ball?
- Which option is used to start a New Project?
- Where will you find the different types of brushes in Paint 3D?
Computer class 3 worksheet
I. Fill in the blanks.
- A computer follows step-wise instructions to complete any task, which is known as———–
- ——————– is one of the easiest computer languages.
- The blocks in the ———- block allow the Sprite to draw lines on the stage, change the color, and the thickness of lines.
- —————— is a graphic character which moves on the stage.
- In Scratch, the Sprite moves on the———– when you run a program.
Stage | Pen | Scratch | Program | Sprite |
J. State True or False.
- A computer understands the language that we speak.
- Blocks Palette is the place where you Create a script for the Sprite to do a specific task.
- A script consists of at least two blocks.
- You can turn the Sprite only in clockwise direction.
- Scratch 2.0 projects are saved with the extension .sb2.
Fill in the blanks computer class 3
K. Multiple-choice questions.
- Scratch 2.0 was officially released on ——————- 2013.
- a. July 4 b. may 9 c. June 2
- ———————- contains the set of blocks, which is used to program the Sprite.
- a. Blocks Palette b. Stage C. Scripts Area
- ———— block draws a line as the Sprite moves on the stage.
- a. Pen down b. move 10 steps c. turn 15 degrees
- Who is the founder of Scratch?
- a. James Gosling b. Tim Berners-Lee C. Mitchell Resnick
L. Answer the following questions.
- What is a Sprite?
- What do you know about Scratch?
- What is the use of Pen block?
- Explain any two main parts of the Scratch window.
Computer class 3 Chapter No. 8
A. Fill in the blanks.
- —————– is one of the easiest computer languages.
- A computer follows step-wise instructions to complete any task, which is known as —————–
- —————– is a graphic character which moves on the stage.
- The blocks in the —————– block allow the Sprite to draw lines on the stage, change the colour, and the thickness of lines.
- In Scratch, the Sprite moves on the —————– when you run a program.
Stage –Pen | Scratch | Program | Sprite |
B. State True or False.
- A computer understands the language that we speak.
- Blocks Palette is the place where you create a script for the Sprite to do a specific task.
- A script consists of at least two blocks.
- You can turn the Sprite only in clockwise direction.
- Scratch 2.0 projects are saved with the Stage
C. Application-based questions.
1. Aarav wants to make a Scratch project wherein he wants to move the Sprite in forward direction by
20 steps. Suggest him the appropriate block to perform this action.
2. Shreya wants to change the thickness of the pen while drawing a trail behind the Sprite. Suggest her
the right block that she can use.
D. Multiple-choice questions.
- scratch 2.0 was officially released on.—————— 2013.
a. July 4 b. May 9 c. June 2
2. ————— contains the set of blocks, which is used to program the Sprite.
a. Blocks Palette b. Stage C. Scripts Area
3. ————– block draws a line as the Sprite moves on the stage.
a. pen down b. move 10 steps C. turn 15 degrees
4. Who is the founder of Scratch? ————
a. James Gosling b. Tim Berners-Lee c. Mitchel Resnick
E. Answer the following questions.
- What is a Sprite?
- What do you know about Scratch?
- What is the use of Pen block?
- Explain any two main parts of the Scratch window.
Computer class 3 Chapter No. 9
F. Fill in the blanks.
- When you start a new Scratch project, it begins with a —————– Sprite.
- The ————– block allows the Sprite to say something in a voice bubble.
- The Stop button is placed on the —————— right corner of the Stage.
- The ——————- block allows the Sprite to wait for the specified number of seconds.
- The ————- block will play the specified sound, pausing the script until the sound has finished playing.
Top | play sound () until done | say () | Cat | Wait () secs |
G. State True or False
- You cannot change the costume of the Sprite with the help of Costumes tab.
- You can make a Sprite say something in a voice bubble.
- The Sound block menu contains blocks to play sound in your Scratch project.
- The Stop button is of green colour.
- You can repeat the actions of a Sprite as many times as needed.
H. Application-based questions.
1. Vansh wants to make a Scratch project where he wants to use different costumes of the Sprite.
Suggest him the correct block to do this.
2. Prakhar wants to stop the Scratch project before it ends. Suggest the correct button to stop the
Scratch project any time during the execution.
I. Multiple-choice questions.
- The ———— block controls the looks of a Sprite.
a. Looks b. Sound c. Control
- The Scripts tab and the Costumes tab share the ————– space
a. Same b. Different C. Entire
- The say Hello block allows the Sprite to say something in a voice ————
a. Line b. Bubble c. Circle
- To move a block of commands anywhere in the Scripts area, click on the ————- block.
a. Top b. Bottom c. left
J. Answer in one word or sentence.
- Name the block that allows the Sprite to change the costume.
- Which block allows the Sprite to say something for the specified number of seconds?
- Which option do we use to choose Sprite’s costume from the library?
- Name the block that makes the Sprite wait for some seconds. Where can you find this block?
- Name the block that is used to run the script, again and again. Mention the block category where it is found.
K. Answer the following questions.
- Name any two blocks from the Looks block menu in Scratch.
- Name the options that are available for changing the costume of a Sprite.
- Briefly explain the use of Forever block in Scratch.
- Which block should be used to play the sound of a Sprite?
- What is the purpose of using the
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